The Car Repair Savings Blog is a new car blog about how to work on your own vehicle so that you can start saving money on your cars and trucks. I will also include blog posts about my experience over the last 25 years servicing cars and trucks which will include insiders tips and advice on how to have the upper hand on your own auto mechanic. I will reveal some vital secret information that auto mechanics were suppose to keep to themselfs rather than letting the public know what the inside of a auto repair shop is like. For instance I will tell you what to watch out for when you see a oil change on sale at these car repair shops and what they are really after and how much. These oil change technicians are trained to push and push extended services to the public or they could be sent home early. This is just a very small sample of what I have in store for you when you follow this Car Repair Savings Blog.
On the other hand I have been doing some research for a site called Bright Hub dot Com and sharing my findings writing articles on them and sharing them here on the Car Repair Savings Blog. Car Repair services such as "how to articles" and trouble shooting techniques I have used in my day to day working on cars.
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