Minggu, 21 Juli 2013


All Models - Tighten adjusting nut to 14.5 ft. lbs. After seating bearing components, loosen nut to 0 ft. lbs. Now make final adjustment to 3.6 ft. lbs. After installing lock cap, insert cotter pin. NOTE - Do not loosen adjusting nut more than 15 degrees to align spindle holes

NOTE - The following procedure can only be performed using special tools indicated.

Model 100 (Front) - 1) Raise and support front of vehicle. Remove lower wheel bolt and replace with special wheel bolt adapter (V-104) and special dial indicator (G-43). By means of retaining screw on special tool (V-104), adjust dial indicator to pretensioned position of 1 millimeter.

2) Grasp wheel at front and rear. First push inward on front while pulling outward on rear, record dial indicator reading. Reverse this procedure and record dial indicator reading. Difference between these two readings is wheel bearing play. If play exceeds .04-.07 mm, adjustment will be necessary.

3) Remove cotter pin and castle nut. If there was too much play, tighten spindle nut until play is within specifications. If there was insufficient play, remove wheel, spindle nut and its shim. Replace and tighten spindle nut. Using 1 millimeter feeler gauge, loosen spindle nut until it is possible to insert feeler gauge between spindle nut and wheel hub. Attach special hub puller (V-26) and withdraw hub until it is firmly in contact with spindle nut. Remove puller and retighten spindle nut until it is within specifications.

Model 100 (Rear) - Raise and support rear of vehicle. Remove grease cup and one wheel bolt. Attach special dial indicator (30-43), using wheel bolt adapter (40-104) and attachment (10-22). Dial indicator actuator foot should be pretensioned to 1 millimeter against the stub axle. Grasp wheel at front and rear. Move wheel on horizontal axis. If reading on dial indicator is not .02-.04 mm, adjustment will be necessary. Adjust by loosening or tightening spindle nut.
NOTE - Fox front wheel bearing is not adjustable. Torque stub axle nut to 13 ft. lbs.

Fox (Rear) - Remove grease cup, cotter pin and castle nut. Tighten spindle nut and loosen for adjustment. Adjust by lightly tightening spindle nut until plain washer (beneath spindle nut) can just be moved from side to side, using screwdriver. This adjustment will correspond to .0012-.0027" (.03-.06 mm) wheel bearing play.


320i and 630CSi - While rotating wheel hub, tighten castle nut to 22-24 ft. lbs., then rotate hub at least two more times. Loosen castle nut until bearing end play is noticed. Tighten castle nut to a maximum of 2.2 ft. lbs., then loosen nut to nearest hole and install cotter key
NOTE - After adjustment, slotted washer should move easily without noticeable resistance.

530i Models - While rotating wheel hub, tighten castle nut to 7 ft. lbs. Loosen castle nut approximately 1/4 turn. Insert screwdriver in recess of bearing retainer washer and ensure washer can be rotated easily. Install suitable gauge holder (BMW 00 2500) on wheel hub and install dial indicator with tip touching front axle stub. Move wheel hub back and forth several times and check bearing end play. Adjust castle nut until bearing end play is .0008-.0024".


All Models - Rotate wheel, hub and drum assembly while turning adjusting nut to 17 - 25 ft. lbs. Back adjusting nut off 120". Install cotter pin and check front wheel rotation.


All Models - While rotating wheel, hub and drum assembly, tighten adjusting nut to 17-25 ft. lbs. Back adjusting nut off 1/4 turn and retighten nut where castellations on the lock nut are aligned with cotter pin hole in spindle. Install new cotter pin and check wheel rotations


All, Except F10 - Tighten spindle nut to torque specifications in table. Spin wheel and retorque spindle nut. Loosen nut according to specifications in table and then tighten to align cotter key hole. Insert cotter key.

F10 - Raise vehicle and place on safety stands. Remove tire and wheel. Make sure mounting nut is torqued to 87-145 ft. lbs. (12-20 mkg). Spin wheel hub several times in both directions to ensure free rotation. Measure bearing preload by attaching a spirng pull scale to lug stud and turning hub. It should take about 3-11 lb (1.4-4.9 kg) to turn hub.


Model 124 and 131 - While rotating hub, torque spindle nut to 14.5 ft. lbs. Completely loosen nut and retighten to 5 ft. lbs. Loosen nut 30 degrees and stake collar of spindle nut into machined slot on spindle. Attach dial indicator with magnetic base on brake drum and actuating foot on spindle. Hub end play should not exceed .004". NOTE - When ever spindle nut has been removed it must be replaced with a new nut.

Models 128 and X1 /9 - Tighten front and rear spindle nuts to 112 ft. lbs. When spindle nuts are properly tightened, stake collar of spindle nut into machined slot on spindle.

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