Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Have you ever been driving your car and all of a sudden it starts to run bad? It may hesitate and become hard to start? The next thing that happens is your check engine light begins to flash on and off. One answer is maybe your car needs a tune-up. Or it could also mean that you have just suffered some internal engine damage. One thing that we do know for sure is you should have your car inspected by a certified repair professional.

The first thing you need to do is either make an appointment or drive right in to your favorite auto repair shop. Ask for an “engine diagnostics” first before you ask for something else like a tune-up. Most people hope and pray that a tune-up will fix their problem and then get upset when you tell them it will not.

For instance they could be told that a valve spring is broken and the engine will have to be disassembled and then reassembled to fix the problem. Of course this is very bad news for them. But then again on the other side they could also be advised that a bad spark plug wire is causing all of these problems and the cost is very minimal.

After the diagnostics has been performed you could then make your decision on what to do. If you still want a tune-up then this would be the time to ask for one. Now you know the problem will be fixed and your car will be tuned up at the same time.

You will have to remember that problems will suddenly arise and you should have it checked out before it gets any worse. The bad sparkplug wire is an example of how a car problem can come out of any where and show up at any place.

Another example could be a leaking valve guide seal suddenly giving up and letting oil get inside the combustion chamber. This in turn will cause a spark plug to foul and not be able to produce a spark. Your engine will run bad and cause all of those previous symptoms too. In this case the engine heads will have to be pulled and rebuilt with new valve guide seals.

The point I am trying to make is for you to seek an honest repair shop and get your car diagnosed and find out what the real problem is first. Then if you think you need a tune-up then by all means ask for one then. You do not want to wait until something goes wrong with your car all of a sudden and then take it in for a tune-up. This will save a lot of confusion between you and your auto mechanic.

For more great tips please follow me here on “Examiner Com”.

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